
Hello, I'm Abhijith Muthyala. Despite my roots in Mechanical Engineering, I've discovered that my passion lies at the nexus of software and education. I view the web as a versatile, dynamic, and universally accessible platform with an unparallel commitment to backwards compatibility. That makes the Web an ideal space for software innovation. My current focus is on spanning across the full-stack spectrum of Web Development, all while embracing AI.

I specialize in crafting responsive, accessible, and performant websites with a focus on intuitive user experiences. I do not shy away from diving into the source code of the tools I use, to understand them better and to feed my personal curiosity. While my expertise lies in React and its ecosystem, I maintain an open-minded approach to exploring alternative rendering frameworks and swiftly adapting to industry advancements.

Outside Web Development, my other interests are in Mathematics, Computer Graphics, Teaching, Wild life and Nature.

Why Web Development?

My best work till date remains the math videos I made at my YouTube channel, PRAGYAAN. There was a period where I was drawn into Mathematics and its visual explanations. I was never really interested in coding up until this moment, but to render the visuals I had in my mind onto the screens, I had no choice but to code. That's how I entered the software space. Eventually I've realized that the web provides a dynamic and interactive experience, as opposed to static video content. And that was the trigger point to get into Web Development.

Using the web technologies, I hope to build software that can aid students in understanding the concepts better. It's a long-term personal goal.